Cells, gels and the engines of life

Lecture based on the book by Gerald H Pollack

The lectures take place in the Biochemistry seminar room (KIT Campus South, IOC, room 500) at 10:00

15.10.  Anne Ulrich
            Gerald H. Pollack: Cells, gels, and the engines of life: Chapters 1-3

29.10.  Stephan Grage
            Gerald H. Pollack: Cells, gels, and the engines of life: Chapters 4-6

05.11.  Torsten Walther
            Gerald H. Pollack: Cells, gels, and the engines of life: Chapters 7-8

19.11. and 26.11.  Lakshmi Punampalam
            Gerald H. Pollack: Cells, gels, and the engines of life: Chapter 9-10

03.12.  Alexander Staub
            Gerald H. Pollack: Cells, gels, and the engines of life: Chapters 11-12

07.01. and 28.01.  Frauke Greil
            Gerald H. Pollack: Cells, gels, and the engines of life: Chapters 13-14

21.01.  Anne Ulrich
            Gerald H. Pollack: Cells, gels, and the engines of life: Chapters 15-16

04.02. Anne Ulrich
           The rhythm of yeast

           Erik Strandberg
           The use of 6-acyl-2-(dimethylamino)naphthalenes as relaxation probes
           of biological environments

18.02. Lars Olsen (University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark)
           Water phase oscillations in yeast

07.04.  Workshop "Water and information transduction"
            The workshop has been postponed

(The slides of the lecture cells&gels are password protected)